SCTA Elections
Updated: Friday, 1/23/2025
Announcing SCTA Election Season 2025!
This year, the SCTA election will take place from February 26 – March 4, 2025. Active SCTA members will be eligible to vote for the following:
- SCTA Officers and Board of Directors
- Local State Council Representatives and Alternate
Local State Council Representative (1) (Vacancy; term upon Election through 6/25/2025)**Current Alternates may serve the remainder of this vacancy.
- SCTA Local NEA Representative Assembly Delegates
Candidates are encouraged to submit candidacies using the online webform:
If the button above does not work for you, please copy and paste or click the following link:
The Election timelines, announcements & candidacy forms may be viewed by clicking here.
If you are using a paper form/pdf version, once complete, scan and email your Declaration of Candidacy form, statement and optional photo to You may also email to make an appointment to drop off completed forms or pick up blank forms at the SCTA office
Your declaration of candidacy, whether filled out electronically using the web form, scanned and emailed, or submitted on paper, must be received at the SCTA office no later than 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 4, 2025. (Postmarked date not acceptable.)
The 2025 NEA-RA will be in Portland, OR July 2 – 6, 2025, with approximate arrival/departure dates of July 1 and July 7.
The NEA/RA is an amazing assembly where members of NEA from all over the country gather together and through democratic process, using Robert’s Rules of Order, determine the policies of our national organization. It is the largest democratic body in our nation. If elected to represent your colleagues at the NEA/RA you will be required to attend all California caucuses, which begin at 7:00 am, and all sessions of the full NEA body, meeting until the conclusion of all business items on the last day of the assembly. There are countless other caucuses and meetings to get involved in if you choose. Please click here to see the SCTA policy on delegate requirements. You may also find more information online at:
The total number of delegate positions is TBD; the number of SCTA funded positions and amount of funding is TBD pending CTA notification. The Delegate positions will be decided in the order of the number of votes received for each candidate.
Candidacy Forms, photos and statements are due to the SCTA office by 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 4, 2025. (Postmarked date not acceptable.) Please follow directions carefully.
The SCTA Election Manual may be viewed by clicking here.
If you have any issues or questions about submitting your declaration of candidacy form please contact
You may send feedback to the SCTA Elections Chair, Robert Peters at regarding the current format used, particularly noting its effectiveness or any difficulties.