SCUSD Ed Board Approves SCTA Resolution to Back Proposition 55




The Sacramento City Unified School District unanimously approved a resolution submitted by SCTA to support the passage of California’s statewide ballot initiative, Proposition 55.  The action was taken at the school board meeting on Thursday, August 18th.

Proposition 55 will ensure that our schools have the finances to continue to restore valuable programs, like arts, support services, and class size reduction, that were eliminated and reversed during the previous few years of recession.  Extending many of the provisions of Proposition 30 (which was passed in 2012), it is this renewed focus on funding education that has put Sac City in the best financial position in its history.

Below is the full text of the resolution:

The Children’s Education and Health Care Protection Act of 2016

YES on Proposition 55

Whereas, Prop. 30, passed in 2012, helped public education recover some of the funds it lost during the recession by allowing districts to hire more teachers, faculty and education support professionals; brought additional books and supplies directly to the classroom; re-opened school libraries; and improved student access to community college courses, while at the same time helped to stabilize California’s budget.
Whereas, California continues to lag far behind the rest of the country in education funding, ranking 46th in per-student spending. Governor Brown’s 2016-17 budget forecasts show that unless we extend the tax on the wealthiest Californians, our schools and colleges will come up $4 billion short in the first year, and the state budget will face a nearly $4 billion deficit.

Whereas, our students cannot afford another round of drastic cuts that would mean less money each year for lowering class sizes, providing a well-rounded education, supporting professional development, keeping school libraries open, and ensuring students have access to higher education.

Whereas, Proposition 55, the Children’s Education and Health Care Protection Act is not a tax increase, but maintains the current income tax rates on the wealthiest Californians and only affects the top 2% of earners in the state and will automatically expire after 12 years.

Whereas, Prop. 55 is expected to raise $8-11 billion a year that will go directly into a special fund that supports K-12 schools and community colleges. By helping the state maintain and fund critical resources for public education, the measure also provided funding for other essential services like health care for low-income children and seniors. Up to $2 billion a year will go to health care for low-income children and their families.

Whereas, like Prop. 55 includes strict accountability provisions and will not permit any of the funds to go towards bureaucracy or administrative costs. The funds will be used to help students by reducing class sizes, updating textbooks, hiring new educators and keeping tuition costs from skyrocketing. The money is also subject to audits by the State Controller.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this body, the Sacramento City Unified School District Board of Education supports Proposition 55, the Children’s Education and Health Care Protection Act of 2016, as a balanced and responsible solution that continues the much needed investment in public education and other vital services our community wants and deserves



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