2021 Read Across America
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SCTA Read Across America (RAA)
Pre-Planning Event
“Celebrating a Diverse Nation(Last Year’s Theme)”
_____day, February ##, 2021
00:00 PM – 00:00 PM
via Zoom
Join us as we share our ideas to celebrate Read Across America in our classrooms. Planning for RAA events can range from just one day to the entire week or even the year!!
SCTA Members are invited to attend this pre-planning event and attendees will receive a free book for their collection.
Space is limited so register today!
SCTA RAA Event Registration
Click below to register for our event. All attendees will receive a book for their classroom. You must attend to the end and be an SCTA member to receive your free book.
Register with your personal email address. SCTA is not permitted to use district email for union business.