News Messenger 9-18-15

Sac City Teacher Wins County Teacher of the Year!

Stephanie Smith from Oakridge Elementary.
Stephanie Smith poses with her principal after being honored at the School Board meeting.
Fourth grade teacher Stephanie Smith from Oakridge Elementary was honored at the School Board meeting Thursday for winning  the Sacramento County Teacher of the Year! Stephanie has participated for many years in the Parent Teacher Home Visit Project and has promoted this home-grown project at teacher conferences around the country. Stephanie realizes it really does take a team effort to educate children. Congratulations Stephanie!
District Initiated Absences Curtailed.
Elementary Math and ELA Pull-outs Cancelled for October and November
In a response to the outcry from SCTA leadership and teachers across the district, the academic office has cancelled the October and November training dates for ELA and Math. We look forward to working with the Academic Office to revise the way professional learning takes place so that instructional time in the classroom is not compromised. Much work needs to be done to ensure professional learning in our district matches the needs of teachers in the classroom.
Site-Visits to begin next week.
As part of our broader effort to make the Sacramento City Unified School District a “Destination District,” the officers and executive board members of our association are reaching out to educators throughout the District.

Sometime in the next few weeks, a representative will be at your work site to hear from you what you think our priorities should be this school year and to provide you with on an update on committees, contract negotiations and other developments throughout the District.

The significant increase in the District revenues through the state’s Local Control Funding Formula puts our District in its best financial position in decades.  This makes our ability to accelerate class-size reductions, increase wages in an effort to recruit and retain staff, and other improvement, achievable provided we are organized and unified as educators to advocate strongly for our priorities.

We will email the date and time of the visit. We look forward to seeing you then. 

Nikki Milevsky,                      David Fisher               John Borsos

President                                  1st Vice-President          Executive Director

on Behalf of the SCTA Board of Directors

Message from SCTA’s Human Rights Committee Chair
Welcome to the 2015-16 school year! My name is Melanie Bean, and I am the chair of the Human Rights Committee. I taught 7th/8th grade at Rosa Parks for fifteen years and am currently working in the Multilingual Literacy Department as a training specialist.

As your time is valuable, email me at if you are interested in working with the committee and answer the following questions:

  • How would you prefer to meet: in person, online, teleconference?
  • What would you be willing to attend: conferences, task force meetings, festivals, parades?
  • Would you be willing to volunteer for any of the above events?
  • What other issues would you like to see addressed by the committee?

Thanks for your time and hope to hear from you soon.

SCTA Benefits Fair
Friday, September 25th, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.

The annual SCTA benefits fair will be held on Friday, September 25th at the SCTA office from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.  The benefits fair is open to SCTA members and their families and food will be provided.

The fair is a great opportunity to learn more about your health insurance, as well as other benefits, like life insurance, TSAs, and more.

Vendors and representatives of the District will be on hand to answer questions and provide information.

For more information you can click here.

New (and Experienced) Teacher Orientation

At SCTA Office on October 14th beginning at 4 p.m.
We are hosting a new teacher orientation.  Every teacher, including those who have been around a while, are invited.  The orientation is a chance to learn about SCTA, our contract, and the teaching profession in general.  There will be also information on professional development opportunities and lots of tips to make your career a success.

Mark you calendar for Wednesday, October 14, 2015 at 4:00pm in the SCTA office at 5300 Elvas Ave, Sacramento, CA 95819.  Hope to see you there!



SCTA’s Endorsed School Board Candidates for 2024


What Can You Do? The SCTA Strike Video


Sacramento City Teachers Association