News Messenger 10-9-15

School Site Council Training November 2nd at SCTA

For Teachers and Parents!

SCTA will be offering a workshop for School Site Council members to learn their legal obligations and gain skills and knowledge to participate in their School Site councils within the Local Control Formula (LCAP / Local Control Accountability Plan).

The workshop will cover:

  • The Local Control Funding Formula
  •  Single Plan for Student Achievement
  • Program Improvement
  • School Change

The goal of this training is to educate, advocate and empower all school site council members to understand their roles and importance to the school.  


Parents serving on school site councils are invited and encouraged to attend.

The training will be held at SCTA, 5300 Elvas Avenue, Sacramento 95819.

Light dinner will be provided.


Training will be provided by Jane Robb, from the Instruction and Professional
Development Department of the California Teachers Association.

New (and Experienced) Teacher Orientation

At SCTA Office on October 14th beginning at 4 p.m.

We are hosting a new teacher orientation.  Every teacher, including those who have been around a while, are invited.  The orientation is a chance to learn about SCTA, our contract, and the teaching profession in general.  There will be also information on professional development opportunities and lots of tips to make your career a success.

Mark you calendar for Wednesday, October 14, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. in the SCTA office at 5300 Elvas Ave, Sacramento, CA 95819.  Hope to see you there!

2nd Notice:  Special Education/Appendix D Committee

Planning Meeting October 22nd, Meeting with District Oct. 28th

Picking up with the important work we began at the end of the last school year, we are reactivating our Special Education/Appendix D committee.  Understanding and revising the District’s Special Education services certainly is an issue that is of great concern to educators throughout the District.

To get the process started, we are first holding a meeting for those SCTA-represented educators who are interested to prepare for our upcoming meeting with the District.  That planning meeting will be at the SCTA office (5300 Elvas Avenue) on Thursday, October 22, beginning at 4 p.m.

Our meeting with the District is scheduled for Wednesday, October 28th, at 4 p.m., with the location to be determined.

Your input and involvement is encouraged!

Appendix D Inclusion Forms

For Qualified Teachers, Deadline is October 15th

As part of our work regarding Appendix D, the District settled a grievance offering to pay $50 per month  plus a PN day to “all regular education teachers with students who should have qualified for support under Appendix D.”  According to Appendix D, the regular education teachers qualifies if one (or more) “special ed student classified as severely disabled (SD) is enrolled in a regular education class.”

If you or other teachers believe you qualify because this applied to you in the previous two school years, click here to view the Inclusion Form.    The deadline for completing the form is October 15th.

Please share this.

Reminder: Tutorial Opportunities for Sac City Teachers.
NCLB Supplemental Educational Services (SES) Agreement Finalized

Our agreement with the District regarding the NCLB Supplemental Education Services (SES) Teacher Tutors is in place.  The agreement can be viewed here.

The program will pay participating teachers $70 per hour for twenty-nine (29) hours.  Unlike other SES programs, some of which have been less than optimal, this program–where the District is program provider–has the support of SCTA.

For a flyer that provides an oversight of the program, click here.

For more details on the expectations for participating teachers, click here.

If you are interesting in applying, you can click here.

The application deadline is October 27th.



SCTA’s Endorsed School Board Candidates for 2024


What Can You Do? The SCTA Strike Video


Sacramento City Teachers Association