News Messenger 10-30-15

Wage Re-opener Update
Bargaining Scheduled Again for November 10th    
We have now met twice with the District to discuss wage increases based on the additional $45 million the District received in revenue last year.

The District opened our second meeting by agreeing that information we shared in our first meeting did in fact show that the District was far below the wage standards of neighboring districts.

Unfortunately, the District’s response fails to adequately address the inequities.

Significantly, the District did not dispute our numbers which show that the while our superintendent is paid 7 to 18% above his counterparts in Elk Grove, Folsom Cordova and San Juan, Sac City teachers are typically 18 to 30% below our counterparts.

The District also did not dispute that compared to the twenty-five largest districts in the state, Sac City is number 7 out of 25 when it comes to the percentage of budget spent on administrators, but 23rd out of 25 for the percentage spent on teachers.

To further make our point we shared additional information where we pointed out that between the school years 2014-15 and 2015-16, the number of administrators has increased by 18% while the number of teachers has only increased by 2%.

That top heavy approach is even more problematic when considering the District’s finances.  Since the 2013-14 school year, the District’s ADA has increased 22.56%, or $2145 per student, netting the District an additional $67 million in ongoing revenue.  This does not include additional one-time increases the District received from the state or other sources (for example, the additional $16 million received this year).  So while the District ADA increased by 22.56%, teacher salaries during that same time increased by only 3%.  In contrast, the salary for the Superintendent was raised from $245,000 per year to $290,000 per year–an increase of 18%.

Accordingly, we responded to the District’s counterproposal  for a 2% wage increase retroactive to July 1st by asking them to reconsider and to improve their offer.  Based on the financial health of the district and the need to attract and retain educators, we believe it is in the District interest to pay more competitive wages–more in line with surrounding Districts.

We continue to believe that an increase of 5% (at the same time the District is refusing our proposal to accelerate class-size reduction) is both fair and measured.

We meet next November 10th.

School Site Council Training Monday!
November 2nd at SCTA 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

For Teachers and Parents!

SCTA will be offering a workshop for School Site Council members to learn their legal obligations and gain skills and knowledge to participate in their School Site councils within the Local Control Formula (LCAP / Local Control Accountability Plan).

The workshop will cover:

  • The Local Control Funding Formula
  •  Single Plan for Student Achievement
  • Program Improvement
  • School Change

The goal of this training is to educate, advocate and empower all school site council members to understand their roles and importance to the school.  


Parents serving on school site councils are invited and encouraged to attend.

The training will be held at SCTA, 5300 Elvas Avenue, Sacramento 95819.

Light dinner will be provided.


Training will be provided by Jane Robb, from the Instruction and Professional
Development Department of the California Teachers Association.

Special Election Notice:
Election Dates November 16 – November 20, 2015

 Due to a resignation, a special election for SCTA Board secretary and State Council representative will be held Monday, November 16 through Friday, November 20, 2015.
            Candidates are sought for the following offices:
            Secretary                               State Council Representative
The statements of candidates are below:

Larry Hopper
                I have been an active member of SCTA for 27 years. Prior to beginning my teaching career I had experience in contract negotiations. I have served as a union rep at both Will C. Wood Middle School and Sutter Middle School. I was a representative at the SCTA Region 2 Conference and would like to continue to use my new knowledge to further represent SCTA members. I feel I’m the best candidate to help move contract negotiations in the right direction and fight for the contract and working conditions our members deserve.
Sandy Olson
                I have worked for SCUSD since the 1985-86 school year. I taught every elementary grade, and also worked as a Title 1 Resource teacher, and teacher on special assignment. Since retiring, I have maintained active membership in SCTA, and I substitute on a regular basis.   I have served on Rep Council, State Council, several SCTA committees, and I was secretary for four years.
                It would be my honor to serve you again.   Please vote for Sandy Olson for Secretary.

Nichole DeVore 
                My experience includes, but is not limited to SCTA; Elementary Director, Organizing Committee, Political Involvement Committee, Chair, Human and Civil Rights Committee, Site Representative, Delegate NEA Representative Assembly.
                My CTA experience; Chair of the Safety in Schools Scholarship and Grant Committee, Chair California Reads Committee, Co-Chair Equity Team for Capital Service Center.
                My NEA experience; Co-Chair GLBT Caucus, Chair of SOGI Committee, Planning Committee for NEA Joint Conference on Women and Minorities, NEA Alignment Committee, Observer of NEA Executive Committee and Board of Directors.
                I ask for your vote so I may serve SCTA as CTA State Council Representative.
Sandy Olson
                I have worked for SCUSD for almost 30 years, at various schools and multiple grade levels and responsibilities. I am currently a retired substitute, and serving as a State Council alternate. I have been a regular delegate to State Council in the past and I believe my experience makes me a good candidate for this office. It would be my privilege to serve you. Please vote for Sandy Olson.
Cindee Stewart
                As your current Elementary Director and Grievance Chair, I understand the need for strong representation at the State level.
                SCTA needs a clear strong voice that will bring your concerns to the CTA floor. I welcome the opportunity to use my 15 years of experience representing SCTA members as a State Council Representative.
                Thank you for voting Cindee Stewart for State Council Representative.
Human Rights Committee Update

Issues Conference and Scholarship Opportunity 
CTA’s Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues Conference

Planning Committee (GLBTICPC) is proud to present the annual CTA GLBT Issues Conference.

Registration is available now at:
Scholarship Opportunity
CTA has announced the fifteenth year of their exciting essay and art competition for the Cesar E. Chavez Memorial Education Awards program. The recipients, students and CTA members, will receive up to $550 and their work will be recognized by the posting of visual arts and written essays online and in various CTA publications. For more information, go to

Submitted by Melanie Bean



SCTA’s Endorsed School Board Candidates for 2024


What Can You Do? The SCTA Strike Video


Sacramento City Teachers Association